Vermont Directories


Directory listings are free for Vermont businesses or people offering services, products, or art. If you have a web site, your listing can be converted to a hot link for a one-time fee of $25. You can submit the same entry to several different, but applicable, directories (i.e. lodging and dining directories). All submissions are edited and websites validated. The database is updated every two weeks.

To modify an existing listing: Fill in the fields that you want changed and check where indicated.

Explanation of form fields at right

The directory in which your entry is to appear. If you wish to be listed in more than one directory, please fill out and submit this form once again for each different directory. (When you get the thank you page, click 'back' on your browser, and alter the form, then hit 'submit' again)

Enter the name as you would like it to appear in the directory. The directories listings are alphabetized, by the first letters that appear in the name. No listings will start with "The".

The town applicable for your business.
(Must be in Vermont)

The phone number for the general public to call. Do not include the area code, unless other than (802).

The category applicable for your entry. This can be the general classification, such as 'BED & BREAKFAST' or 'POTTERY'. Please enter only one per directory, choosing what is the most applicable.

This field is optional. If you have a web site, enter the web address here. For a one-time fee of $25, we will make your entry a 'hot link'. This fee is only for converting your entry to a hot link, not for being listed.

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Name of listing:
Phone number: 7 digits unless toll free


15 word description:

E-mail address:

URL: There is a one-time $25 fee for hotlinking your site.

Check here if this is an update of an existing listing

This is a secure transaction

Card type:   Visa     MC
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Name on card:
Expiration date:

Please Note: The database is updated every two weeks

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